Friday, June 27, 2008


Someone asked me the other day if crossfit was like aerobic classes and right away I thought of this video. As I tried to control my laughter I emphatically said no. I invited the person to have a workout with me and let them decide for themselves. Anyone who has done a crossfit workout will appreciate this video and my likening the question to it. What we do is definitely not 'aerobic classes' Be carefull it is not work safe due to content.

This video was in response to this one which is just as funny if not more.....
Have a good weekend!


photoholly said...

The first one was funnier, sad thing is I remember a lot of those moves from when I was taking/teaching aerobics! OMG!!! They really look silly don't they? I was still in really good shape back then.

Michael Murphy said...

hahahahaha absolutely hilarious! from now on when I think aerobic fitness I will remember that video.

aka suska said...

Well, thanks for a hearty laugh. Jeff and I watched it for a break during serious cleaning and unpacking -- and yes it's true...laughter IS the best medicine. Rock on!